11/23: The Squirrel Show #149, 11/25: no “The Kids Show”
Hi! Stressed out? No? Fantastic!
I have some news:
-The “The Squirrel Show” is on this week! Done stuffing your face and watching football? Come see some random Squirrel activity! If you want.
-“The Kids’ Show” will start at 10am again for the colder months, probably until May at least. Starting in December.
-The big news: after many years, Sarah Sharp’s show at the Elephant Room is moving to Thursdays starting in mid December. Which means that (drumroll please:)
“The Squirrel Show will be moving to Tuesdays! SquirrelTuesday starts December 19th. The last Thursday Squirrel Show will be on December 7th.
If you’d like to see the shows live in the driveway (Squirrel or Kids) live in the driveway, message me for address). Or you can watch the live broadcast on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/oliver.steck.56). There are other shows going on too. Here’s the schedule:
11/23: The Squirrel Show! 7:30pm-8:15pm
11/23: Jon Blondell @ the Elephant Room, 9pm
11/24: Bob Schneider @ Longhorn City Limits, 4:30pm
-this is the UT tailgate show, on the LBJ library lawn
11/25: Bob Schneider’s Moonlight Orchestra @ Moody Theater, 8pm
11/28: Sarah Sharp @ the Elephant Room, 6pm
11/30: The Squirrel Show! 7:30pm
12/2: The Kids’ Show! 10am
(canceled: 12/3, Clif Tipton @ the Larry Monroe Bridge, 1506 East Side Dr., 3-5pm)
12/7: The Squirrel Show! 7:30pm
-The last Thursday show. We’re moving to Tuesdays starting 12/19.
12/8: Bill Oliver and The Otter Space Band @ the Save Our Springs holiday party, American Legion Hall, 404 Atlanta St, Austin, TX 78703, 8-11pm
12/9: The Kids’ Show! 10am
-New time for the colder months. 10am!
12/9: Daniel Driver @ Martindale River Cafe, 6-8pm
-it’s his CD release party! And I’m on the CD! Whoo-hoo!
12/10: JW Marriott Austin presents Snow Much Fun On Congress
-Michele and I are playing holiday tunes at their outdoor bar 6-9pm. I’m not sure how one gets to see this. Reservations?
12/11: JW Marriott Austin presents Snow Much Fun On Congress
-I’m playing holiday tunes at their outdoor bar 6-9pm. Might need reservations?
12/12: Michele Solberg @ Evangeline Cafe, 7-9pm
12/14: Magical Mystical Michael @ Captain Quackenbush’s, 8pm
-It’s a magic show. It’s cool! Check it out!
12/16: The Kids’ Show! 10am
12/16: Rudi Harst @ Cave Without A Name, Boerne, TX, 7pm
12/17: Sarah Sharp @ Shore Raw Bar & Grill Brunch, 12-3pm
12/18: JW Marriott Austin presents Snow Much Fun On Congress
-I’m playing holiday tunes at their outdoor bar 6-9pm. Might need reservations?
12/19: JW Marriott Austin presents Snow Much Fun On Congress
-I’m playing holiday tunes at their outdoor bar 6-9pm. Might need reservations?
12/21: Sarah Sharp @ the Elephant Room, 6pm
-The beginning of a new era! Now on Thursdays!
12/23: The Kids’ Show! 10am
12/23: The Albert & Gage Holiday Show @ Donn’s Depot, 9pm
12/24: JW Marriott Austin presents Snow Much Fun On Congress
-Michele and I are playing holiday tunes at their outdoor bar 6-9pm. Might need reservations?
12/25: JW Marriott Austin presents Snow Much Fun On Congress
-Michele and I are playing holiday tunes at their outdoor bar 6-9pm. Might need reservations?
(canceled: 12/26, The Squirrel Show)
12/28: Sarah Sharp @ the Elephant Room, 6pm
12/29: Rent Party @ Coral Snake, 7pm
-used to be the Long Play East
12/30: Bob Schneider @ The Granada Theater, Dallas, Tx
12/31: Bob Schneider @ The Paramount Theater, 10:30pm
And finally, if you’ve read this far, our sponsors:
What? You want a singing telegram? Sure, I can do that! Lemme know. Wait, you want me to show up at your neighbor’s house to wish him a happy bunion removal? Ok. But maybe do it before the surgery so they can get to the door?
The Squirrel show is brought to you by Breezy Bag. “Easy. Breezy. Plastic and just kind of floating along the highway and possibly destined to end up as small petroleum pollution product? That’s Breezy Bag!”
Oh yeah, it’s also brought to you by Lobster Guru. “Lobster Guru: he knows what they’re thinking!”
Thanks. Aloha!