Summer. Ahh.

6/25: The Squirrel Show #164, 6/29: No “The Kids’ Show”

Hi! I’m back home from the Moccasin Creek Festival. I cleaned toilets, set up and took out trash and recycling, did some MC work with Brit Ginn (Thank you Brit! Hopefully I wasn’t too annoying), got on stage a bit, and played late night jams until 5am. It was great. And I lost my voice on Sunday, but The Squirrel Show is back and I think I’ll be ok. Here’s the schedule:

-June 2024-
6/25: The Squirrel Show! 7:30pm
6/26: George Carver @ Sam’s Town Point, 7pm
6/27: Sarah Sharp @ the Elephant Room, 6pm

-July 2024-
7/9: The Squirrel Show! Live in front of Rock ’n Road bicycles and South Haven Scooter Rental, 311 S. Broadway St., South Haven, MI. 7:30pm CDT, 8:30pm EDT. You can watch it here:,
7/13: Bob Schneider @ Coupland Dance Hall, Coupland, Tx, 9pm
7/16: The Squirrel Show! 7:30pm
7/18: Sarah Sharp @ the Elephant Room, 6pm
7/18: Michele Solberg @ Little Trouble, Lockhart, Tx, 9-11pm
7/19: The Ditch Crickets @ Riley’s Tavern, New Braunfels, Tx, 9pm
7/20: The Kids’ Show! 9:30am
7/20: Ditch Crickets @ Martindale River Cafe, 6pm
7/20: Bob Schneider @ Antone’s, 9:30pm
7/23: Michele Solberg @ Evangeline Cafe, 7-9pm
7/25: Sarah Sharp @ the Elephant Room, 6pm
7/27: The Kids’ Show! 9:30am
7/27: Rey Arteaga @ the Sahara Lounge, 9pm
7/30: The Squirrel Show! 7:30pm

-August 2024-
8/1: Sarah Sharp @ the Elephant Room, 6pm
8/3: Charlie Fay @ Pride Family Rainbow Party, Far Out Lounge, 10am
8/3: Bob Schneider @ Gruene Hall, New Braunfels, Tx

“The Squirrel Show” is brought to you by Lobster Guru: “Feeling like a clown ‘cause you can’t get down in Lobster town? Call Lobster Guru: He Knows what they’re thinking!”
Also, if it helps, I deliver singing telegrams. In case that helps. Ask me about it!

That’s it. Have a great week!